This girl is the world's worst forecaster! Couldn't tell a cumulus from a nimbus if her life depended on it. A waste of valuable broadcast time. Why do they put someone like this on the air? Let's see an interview with Salman Rushdie --
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Back in the days of Miss Rheingold, my cousin Samantha Adler interrupted a promising figure-skating career to take a job as the weathergirl on channel five in New York City. She laughed when I asked her about it and I believe the job had very little to do with her actually formidable intellect. She left after a year, went to Paris to paint, and married a Frenchman. End of story, except that I know she retains affection for the weather in April in Paris and Autumn in New York.
Posted by: DL | June 07, 2008 at 08:07 PM