"Peace was Restored"
Dear David and Stacey:
An officer investigated when a mailbox was reported to have been run over at a Deadman’s Canyon Road address. The officer noted the incident was specific to this mailbox; no others in the area were damaged.
A caller from the McLeod Bar called 911 at 3:20 a.m. to report someone was trying to steal a truck from the parking lot. An officer responded and the report notes “peace was restored”.
A caller requested an officer respond to the gate of the gold course east of town where a boy was trying to sell golf balls to people as they entered the parking lot. The complainant was concerned because the young person would sometimes step out onto the highway while attempting sales. The boy left the area before the officer arrived.
A man parking his horse trailer near the mine parking lot on Business Loop West observed an old headstone about 10 feet off in the grass which bore a 1924 date. An officer investigated and reported it looked like it had been there for a long time.
Officers responded when a City Club employee asked for assistance to “settle things down” when two guys at the bar were getting mouthy with each other.
An officer was unable to locate a four wheeler reported to be running up and down River Street, out to Highway 191, coming back into the bird houses and up and down Second and Third that did not have a light. In addition, the caller said there was also a foreign car running around without a muffler. When asked what the complaint was about the foreign car, the caller said it wasn’t doing anything, just running around.
©bill hayward 2008