[the reddest image I could find!]
Additionally, please come join us this Friday, December 5th in New York City for an SLS Party. SLS NYC Party. No specific agenda: it's a party. Come meet the SLS people, including its founder, its leadership, its coordinators and assistants, many among its illustrious past faculty and participants… the works. Meet old friends, make new ones. Ask the SLS people questions about the SLS's past and future, about the former Soviet Union and present-day Russia and the difference between the two (if any); about Italy and Lithuania and Kenya and… all the rest of the places SLS might be planning to go to in the future. Stay until the wee hours of the morning on the time-hallowed premises of the venerable KGB Bar.
Some among the SLS people, back during the day of pre-modern history, had an unlovely opportunity to familiarize themselves with the inner décor of the non-NYC-based KGB – one has in mind, specifically, the stunningly ugly edifice on Kalyaeva St. 4, right off the Liteyny Pr., in old Leningrad-St. Petersburg – and you can count on this being a much more pleasant, festive, friendly occasion. Feel free to spread the word and bring your friends.
Additionally, good friends of SLS from The St. Petersburg Review will be on hand with copies of their second issue. As well, Programs Coordinator Mike Spry will be there with copies of his new collection of poetry (JACK, Snare Books).
December 5
85 E 4th St.
New York, NY 10003
(212) 505-3360
9:00 pm-4:00 am