At KGB Bar on Monday night March 9th, Sandy McClatchy
was reading his poems when, as Sarah Arvio writes, something unexpected
happened, or almost happened, or seemed on the verge of happening, in the red
room with its defunct Soviet symbols:
“What an extraordinary moment that was, when suddenly three
young Chinese people came in, two men wearing fatigues, and a girl in a Chinese
worker’s cap! They looked around vacantly as though they had stepped into the
wrong room in history — right out of the Chinese revolution and into the
Russian. Realizing their mistake, they hurried out.”
Sandy breathed a sigh of relief and then segued into his next poem.
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They were there to get Sandy, but saw they were outnumbered. Did he get home safely?Has anyone seen him since? They could be using his cell.
Posted by: jim cummins | March 13, 2009 at 03:57 PM