Hosted by Laura Cronk, Megin Jimenez & Michael Quattrone Presents . . . Nin Andrews & Sally Ashton Sally Ashton is Editor-in-Chief of the DMQ Review, an online journal featuring poetry and art ( She is the author of These Metallic Days, published by Mainstreet Rag. Her prose poem collection, Her Name Is Juanita, is forthcoming from Kore Press later this year. Poetry and reviews have recently appeared or are forthcoming in Sentence: a journal of prose poetics, Poet Lore, Parthenon West Review,, and Linebreak. She currently lives in the San Francisco Bay area where she teaches poetry; she also teaches freshman composition at San José State University. Nin Andrews is the author of several books including The Book of Orgasms, Why They Grow Wings, Midlife Crisis with Dick and Jane, Sleeping with Houdini, and Dear Professor, Do You Live in a Vacuum. She also edited Someone Wants to Steal My Name, a book of translations of the French poet, Henri Michaux. Her book, Southern Comfort, is forthcoming from CavanKerry Press.The KGB Monday Night Poetry Reading Series
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