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May 19, 2009


Very well put!


Great post...some great lines, especially in the last paragraph.


Your blog makes me think of Mexico, where few warning signs are posted. There is a laissez-faire kind of freedom which breeds a sense of joy and appreciation of all life's wondrous toys: swimming pools, trees, cities, parks, fountains (And No! One does not put one's stinky feet into a beautiful fountain in Mexico--the water is for drinking). In small towns at least, "Stop" signs are simply a suggestion. If one can't watch one's kids close enough, then, well--the kid better be smart, or you've got more than your share already. Meaning, there are no "Do Not Dive" signs at the local pools: folks are expected to be clever enough to enjoy themselves, and in this, the Mexicans excel. One time when I returned home from a stay in Mexico (I have gone to Spanish language schools a couple of times), I actually did a long flat dive into the shallow end of a public pool and the ruckus was astonishing. The guards acted liked I'd called out "Live Bomb." I apologized, said I'd just returned from Mexico. As a teacher and parent, I agree with you that life is dangerous and thrilling and unfair and all--and kids need free, unsupervised, fun time--outside, in the wild, unafraid of life itself. I was absolutely thrilled when my fourteen year-old daughter got a map of the bus system in Albuquerque and learned how to get from our neighborhood to the edge of town where a trail goes up the foothills of the Sandia Mountains enough so she and her girlfriend could sit and watch a glorious desert sunset. Since then, at twenty-three, she's been to more countries than I can count. Love conquers fear.

Nice to hear from you. what lucky kids and neighbor kids you have.

The Christian Orthodox tradition, from which I come, teaches about the impossibility to know/understand anything about God or his/her/it's acts: the only thing we, humble imperfect humans can say about God is in form of negation... God is not this, neither that. Thus the chaos, unpredictability of life, or call it drama or tragedy are an evident and unquestionable part of our fate on this earth. Think about what and how Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Solzjenizin, Brodsky wrote - to take only few from the Russians...
What a light-years-distance from Western (or more exactly Protestant, I suppose) God's anonymity as a legal necessity! :-)
Despite the difference between our starting points, I love the beauty of your writing. Elegant and witty, as always.
Take care of the playhouse and hope you and the kids are often touching the sky.

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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