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July 08, 2009


Charles Simic - International News
Hart Crane - City Desk
Walt Whitman - Washington Correspondent
John Updike - Sports
Frank O'Hara - Arts
Sylvia Plath - Gossip column
Anne Sexton - Advice column
John Donne - Religion in the News
William Carlos Williams - Health and Science
Stanley Kunitz - Home and Garden

Poe - Crime blotter
Marianne Moore - Sports
(Joyce Carol Oats - Boxing)
Robert Frost - Weather
W. H. Auden - Cooking

Wonderful. As the Israeli editor points out, it is not a stunt or gimmick if it has significance, and this idea is ripe for our great daily newspapers now in crisis -- the NY Times, the Washington Post.

LO (as usual) has the right idea! I nominate Wallace Stevens to alternate with Frost on the weather beat, TS Eliot to have a Tarot column, Elizabeth Bishop on travel, Robert Lowell at the pharmaceutical desk, Ted Roethke on greenhouses (and the the greenhouse effect), and a troika to alternate with Sexton on sex advice (Laura Riding, Edna St Vincent Millay, Derek Walcott). But I hope I can compete for the cocktails post.

And Nabokov to write on chess? Merrill on opera? Strand on neckties? And who on hair?

Let's try, off the cuff, "live poets"

Heather McHugh, The Philosopher's Corner, Vanessa Place, Law, The Avant-garde and Lawlessness, Galway Kinnell, Human Stories (and all other animal kingdoms), David St John, Travel & European Correspondence (here and abroad), Bill Knott, Underground News (here and there), Brendan Constantine, Dear Abbey for Astronomy.... etc

I'm with Elena - To hers I would add:
Anne Carson - Foreign Affairs
Mark Strand - Restaurant Critic
David Shapiro - Music
Donald Hall - Sports
John Ashbery - Art and Fashion
Molly Peacock - Advice
Denise Duhamel - Popular Culture

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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