Our friend, writer and filmmaker Robert Shore, sends us this link to an NPR story about the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz's recent experiment with having poets takeover the newspaper for a day. So, who would your dream poet-reporters be? What beat would you have them cover?
Thanks Rob!
Charles Simic - International News
Hart Crane - City Desk
Walt Whitman - Washington Correspondent
John Updike - Sports
Frank O'Hara - Arts
Sylvia Plath - Gossip column
Anne Sexton - Advice column
John Donne - Religion in the News
William Carlos Williams - Health and Science
Stanley Kunitz - Home and Garden
Posted by: Laura Orem | July 08, 2009 at 08:52 AM
Poe - Crime blotter
Marianne Moore - Sports
(Joyce Carol Oats - Boxing)
Robert Frost - Weather
W. H. Auden - Cooking
Posted by: Marissa Despain | July 08, 2009 at 09:32 AM
Wonderful. As the Israeli editor points out, it is not a stunt or gimmick if it has significance, and this idea is ripe for our great daily newspapers now in crisis -- the NY Times, the Washington Post.
LO (as usual) has the right idea! I nominate Wallace Stevens to alternate with Frost on the weather beat, TS Eliot to have a Tarot column, Elizabeth Bishop on travel, Robert Lowell at the pharmaceutical desk, Ted Roethke on greenhouses (and the the greenhouse effect), and a troika to alternate with Sexton on sex advice (Laura Riding, Edna St Vincent Millay, Derek Walcott). But I hope I can compete for the cocktails post.
Posted by: DL | July 08, 2009 at 02:55 PM
And Nabokov to write on chess? Merrill on opera? Strand on neckties? And who on hair?
Posted by: Vincent V. Go | July 08, 2009 at 03:42 PM
Let's try, off the cuff, "live poets"
Heather McHugh, The Philosopher's Corner, Vanessa Place, Law, The Avant-garde and Lawlessness, Galway Kinnell, Human Stories (and all other animal kingdoms), David St John, Travel & European Correspondence (here and abroad), Bill Knott, Underground News (here and there), Brendan Constantine, Dear Abbey for Astronomy.... etc
Posted by: Elena Karina Byrne | July 08, 2009 at 03:44 PM
I'm with Elena - To hers I would add:
Anne Carson - Foreign Affairs
Mark Strand - Restaurant Critic
David Shapiro - Music
Donald Hall - Sports
John Ashbery - Art and Fashion
Molly Peacock - Advice
Denise Duhamel - Popular Culture
Posted by: Stacey | July 09, 2009 at 11:50 AM