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« O Margaret Whiting, we love you (even when you go up) | Main | Rob Casper Presents a Poem by Yona Harvey »

August 02, 2009



Pollitt's new book
Has just now gone out
Thank Random House;
She is a columnist, "Learning to Drive"
That fair Katha Pollitt
With good Adam Gopnick
A lad and a lass and a near sort of rhyme.

i appreciate your inspiring young writers,poets to grow...
I'm a poet from India...I edit a journal, Poesie India International which was started by my father, who is a poet and Professor of English. Our journal is completing its 25th year in 2009.

Thank you, Leslie. I'm curious to know more about your journal and about some of the young poets in India and what they are up to these days.

Loved he discussion about poems about poems. Here's one O wrote.


Drunk on words? No,
drunk on this thermos of sangria,
my own recipe, cheap merlot,
leftover brandy, chopped-up lemons
& the tip of my right thumb
among the ice cubes, clicking,
a sound no one’s noticed.
The next to last poem compares
Marxism to a bicyclist leaning
against a silver fire hydrant,
admiring his day-glo orange shoes.
I don’t get it. Ask the sangria,
which I do. Consider the universe
of smells, the last poem asks us,
consider the mutt in the bookstore
sniffing the drowsy readers’ legs,
his tail slapping to beat the band.
Why that cliché? That particular
dumb cliché? Ask the sangria. . . .
Me? I’m loose
as a mesh coin purse, pacific
as the slowest suicide & I
smile, clapping to beat the band.

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That Ship Has Sailed
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"Lively and affectionate" Publishers Weekly


I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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