It won't be published for another week or so, but may I enthusiastically recommend Nicholson Baker's The Anthologist, a new novel about a poet who has writer's block composing the introduction to a poetry anthology.
There are marvelous Bakerite meditations on W.H. Auden, the state of poetry reviewing, and the flaw of iambic pentameter in English. I think it may be his best novel since The Mezzanine, which is really saying something.
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Thank you for the tip, Ken. Never before have I heard of a novel with a poetry anthologist as a protagonist. And one with writer's block no less. Luckily it is not an affliction I suffer from: BAP 2009 is about to come out -- with, I reckon, the 23rd foreword I've written since the series began. Can't wait to read Baker's new book.
Posted by: DL | August 25, 2009 at 12:34 PM