This week we welcome Craig Morgan Teicher as our guest blogger. Craig is a Vice President of the National Book Critics Circle. He is the author of Brenda Is in the Room and Other Poems (CLP, 2007). Cradle Book: Stories and Fables (BOA) will be published in 2010. Find out more about Craig here.
We also welcome back Emma Trelles as our tropical correspondent. Emma is the author of Little Spells, (GOSS183). Her work has appeared in publications such as Verse Daily, 3 AM Magazine, Oranges and Sardines, Gulf Stream, Newsday, the Miami Herald, Latina magazine, and the Sun- Sentinel, where she was the art critic for three years. She is the editor of MiPOesias Magazine's American Cuban Issue, the recipient of a Green Eyeshade Award for art writing, and a Pushcart Prize nominee for poetry. Emma sometimes teaches creative writing at the Florida Center for the Literary Arts and at the Art Center/South Florida.