Life is over!
Everything worked out fine. Humankind was a factory
of a sort and the order’s been filled. Wasn’t it hard to keep going!? All that waking up and getting to
bed. But that’s over now. At ease, all, nothing left to do
but what you feel like doing.
Today and tomorrow and forever.
Just keep walking, one foot and then another.
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Does this mean I don't have to grade all those papers waiting on my desk? Cool!
Posted by: Laura Orem | February 28, 2010 at 03:15 PM
Yes, look them over to the exact degree that interests you, hand them back ungraded, tell the class a few of the good things the papers said and a few of the mistakes they harbored.
Posted by: Jennifer Michael Hecht | March 01, 2010 at 12:23 PM
I think it is your most interesting post!
Posted by: Victoria Genericola | March 04, 2010 at 04:38 AM