This week we welcome Malachi Black as our guest blogger. Malachi is literary editor of The New York Quarterly and a James A. Michener Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin’s Michener Center for Writers. His work has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Poetry, Southwest Review, The Iowa Review, AGNI Online, Pleiades, Indiana Review, and elsewhere. His poem “Traveling by Train” was selected by Mark Strand for inclusion in the Best New Poets 2008. In 2009, Black was awarded a Ruth Lilly Fellowship. Read Malachi Black's PoemsOutLoud interview here.
Welcome, Malachi.
Read Jerry William's guest posts from last week here, here, and here.
In other news . . .
Congratulations to poets (and bloggers) Gabrielle Calvocoressi, Tom Healy, and Amy Gerstler on being named finalists for the Los Angeles Times Book Award. Read all about it here.
We're making changes here - it's all good! Bear with us . . .
-- sdh