Rebecca Campbell and Nicole Walker had the smart idea of posting -- on Huffington Post -- a work of visual art one day, a poet's response on day two, a painter's response to the poet's gambit on day three, and so forth, in a collaborative game designed to promote and benefit from an interplay between art and poetry. They call it "Ring Ring: A Game of Artists' Telephone." Each work (or "ring") exists as both a response and a new work, rather like the stanzas in the Japanese linked-verse that Basho did with select contemporaries in Japan. The project pushes immediacy; you are given only 24 hours to create your ring. Here you'll see the digital drawing Adam Bateman made in response to a David Lehman poem occasioned by exposure to art from Patrick Abbey that arose from his encounter with an Emma Ramey prose poem that she wrote in response to this painting by Anna Fidler:
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