This week we welcome Dean Rader as our guest blogger. Dean has published widely in the fields of poetry, American Indian studies, and popular culture. His debut collection of poems, Works & Days, won the 2010 T. S. Eliot Poetry Prize, judged by Claudia Keelan. In 2009, Kelly Cherry selected his poem “Hesiod in Oklahoma, 1934” for the prestigious Sow’s Ear Poetry Prize, and in 2008, his poem "Frog Loses Sleep Puzzling Over Parallel Universes" won the Crab Creek Review Poetry Prize. Other poems have appeared or will appear in Colorado Review, Cincinnati Review, Berkeley Poetry Review, Quarterly West, Poet Lore, The MacGuffin, Connecticut Review, Salamander, POOL, and elsewhere.
Dean blogs about the intersection of literature, culture, politics and media at The Weekly Rader, and he reviews poetry regularly for The Rumpus and The San Francisco Chronicle for which he has also contributed a number of op-ed pieces. He is a professor of English at the University of San Francisco.
Welcome, Dean
-- sdh