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June 22, 2011


Fabulous. Just fabulous.

awesome too....

Thank you Laura! I had a lot of fun writing this one. I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

You too, Bill, thanks for reading. you say? Freakin' awesome post! Here we have the inner workings of a poet's mind, god farts and all. This menopause business makes a mid-life man feel kinda jealous, what with all the ups and downs, heat and cold, wet and dry, age and youth all wrapped into any given moment in time. All mid-life guys get is a gut and maybe an hot rod or crotchrocket. Okay, throw in an affair and a hooker or two. But still, doesn't sound like mid-life male gets anywhere near the fun as maiden-turned-cougarcrone. Three cheers to the Poetessa! In the words of the ephemeral rock band, Kansas,
"Carry on my wayward son(okay, daughter),
For there'll be peace when you are done
Lay your weary head to rest
Now don't you cry no more"
(perhaps your son can play you the rest...)

Great post Lisa, and timely for me just turning 50. Even though I physically went through menopause years ago, I'm going through something very puberty-like right now that has included spending the last 5 days obsessively watching Bruce Springsteen doing an incredible version of "Fire" live when he was about 35...Feeling very much the 'girl,' watching the death and birth you refer to taking place.

I've been thinking that I wish I was 35 again, but then also realizing that in a few years, I'm going to wish I was 50 again. A friend told me a story the other day about his 90 year old mother going to a party for an 88 year old in their retirement home, and when they finished singing, a 94 year old piped up from the back of the room "I wish I was 88 again!"

So here's to the awesomeness of everything and the farts of God.

Hey Farhut, thanks for good words. May you find inner peace as well. I can't recommend a hooker, but I hear that sometimes midlife men enjoy a ride on a motorcycle with a babycougarcrone! Have an excellent day.

Thanks Kathy. I LOVE Springsteen too. And yes, let's be happy at every age. When God farts, let's breath in, let's listen...

What a wonderful essay. Loved reading it.

Brava, Lisa! Count me among your admirers.
May you live another forty productive and interesting menopausal years.

Thanks Leslie, I have this very fiesty friend who is 90, and to her, I really am a baby. I love that there is so much life yet to live! Thank you for your kind words.

Thank you Emma. I am so glad you enjoyed it. It was very fun to write about this particular topic for some reason.

Well, yes, I've only hear tell about the hookers part...and the gut...and the hot rod. But the rest is all true!

Wow - to be able to put all of that into words -- and such beautiful words! Nice.

Hi Pam! Thank you for reading and for your kind words.

I remember reading Betty Friedan's The Fountain of Age and thinking that I couldn't wait to be a wise woman. Your writing is an up-to-date argument for the same thing: maybe menopause is the gateway to our truer selves. Stunningly written, Lisa. You are a wise woman indeed.

Hi Martha,
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words. I need to find The Fountain of Age. Because I was just "coming of age" when all that writing was happening in the late 60s or early 70s, I was too young to read it and understand it: Betty, Gloria, etc. etc. I just kind of got the message by osmosis, but sometimes, I think that it may have gotten garbled, or even all screwed up, in translation to the next generation, like me.

It is important to go back to these first sources, so thank you for pointing this out to me. I love your idea that menopause is the gateway to our "truer selves." That is not what our culture has told us. I always thought it was going to be the end of me. But, my experience is telling me that this is so far from the truth, well, I could laugh, but I could also cry because of the misconceptions perpetrated by our "youth-driven" culture.

Don't get me wrong. I love young people. But, I love old people too. Especially as I become one of them. I think what happens as I age, is that I realize there is no young or old, it is all just one continuum. Well, you know, I hope, that you are an important role model for me. You helped me get where I am at this very moment. Let's go have lunch!

May your wild identities remain pleasantly captive among the artificial flora of their social habitat.--Sam Pulitzer (2011)

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That Ship Has Sailed
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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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