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« Memory+Play=Poetry - Lisa Vihos | Main | Sounds Like Lisbon - Sally Ashton »

June 24, 2011


"...close to the end of our proverbial rope with things like religion, politics, and the economy." as the "rope" of possibility is yanked from our grasp, let's look around...yikes! a plague of ropes burns. maybe we have the pull of a balance issue here...a problem with a rope of culture that is woven from and is ever more dominantly weighted, as the poet alice notely writes, in and by "man-thought". religion, politics, the economy??...for far too many years, an endless and perfect storm of guys stomping around with badges of authority

... as they say up in the sierra madre, "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!"



I read this afternoon all your posts through today's with pleasure--even the "daft" one. You truly own a flair for integrating your life experience with matters important to us all, which bodes well I bet for a colorful, full-blown memoir in the manner, I would hope, of topical rather than chronological to convey the spontaneity and energy so deftly here displayed. Thanks not only to you but to Stacey for allowing us the look.

yeah, but you know, as the mother of a son, I hate to man-bash. I mean, men have definitely caused a problem or two. I admit that. The problem is power, and men are more adept at power (of a certain kind) and that is why they have been able to mess things up so much. Yes. Let's find a new rope. Meanwhile, thank you SO much for telling me about Alice Notley. I was not familiar with her poetry. Check this out:

The Goddess Who Created this Passing World
by Alice Notley
The Goddess who created this passing world
Said Let there be lightbulbs & liquefaction
Life spilled out onto the street, colors whirled
Cars & the variously shod feet were born
And the past & future & I born too
Light as airmail paper away she flew
To Annapurna or Mt. McKinley
Or both but instantly
Clarified, composed, forever was I
Meant by her to recognize a painting
As beautiful or a movie stunning
And to adore the finitude of words
And understand as surfaces my dreams
Know the eye the organ of affection
And depths to be inflections
Of her voice & wrist & smile

Karl, thank you so much for taking the time to read all my rambling thoughts. I have to say, this week has been one of the more stellar and informative weeks of my life as writer. I could not stop thinking about the blog. Everything that happened during the week seemed to be connected to everything else and I wanted to write about them all. I'm glad my enthusiasm and devotion came through. A memoir. Huh...

The best poetry is based on minute observation of the world around us. I would hope that while people are busy finding their inner poet natures, they'll also try to use less gas and electricity, turn the air-con down, drive much smaller cars, and buy much, much less convenience food. Americans emit on average 23 tonnes of CO2 a year, each, compared to 11 for Europeans.

Good point Ms. Baroque. We Americans have a very large environmental footprint as compared to the shoes on the feet of people in other places. Must be all the corn and cows we eat. Thank you for reminding all of us, from bards to bloggers, bakers to bankers, to stay grounded in reality.

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That Ship Has Sailed
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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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