I've been busy (good hard) writing and (good hard) living, truly sorry I haven't been posting, I'll start again when things lighten up elsewhere. Here now I just need to place a strong but short sweet and aching little memorial.
I heard yesterday a friend has passed away, she was a wonderful being named Ronni Leopold. She loved poetry without writing it! (Well limericks she did). We were never so close but she was a real, true, blue green red yellow orange friend and it is a sad shock to lose her. What a light of life she had, like wow, full blown lights-on alla time was Ronni. Like a wonderwheel. She greived with me (with us) the loss of Rachel and the loss of Sarah with whom we all once drank and smoked and ate and wept and rhymed and had a good old bad grrl time in New York City and wonderful elseswhere's Tupelo sometimes took us up and down the East Coast.
If you knew her too, folks in the Tupelo Press poetry world would have, and others, send a word to me here if you want, or in a private fb message or email, if you want. Anyway, I dedicate my heart’s song today to Ronni Leoplold great soul and lover of poetry, I did think I would see you again my friend and now I will see you always in my mind’s heart and my heart's brightest eye. Thanks for your goodness and friendship and love – and goodbye.
To the rest of the world, the yet living, my friends: Stay with us dear friends, more soon, much love.
most sincerely yours,
Dear Jennifer,
Ronni was my very close friend. I just stumbled across your tribute to her and wanted to tell you how lovely it is....spot on! I have forwarded it to her family to read and will also be circulating it to the rest of "our crowd." Please do come to the memorial on August 21, 1 pm East Village Synagogue 33 E 12th St.
With regards,
Libby Edwards
Posted by: [email protected] | July 21, 2011 at 05:36 PM
She was a friend to the visual artists too. I will never forget her rapid fire generosity when she came to my first open studio. It kind of took my breath away. I knew her very briefly but it was as you described, a kind of intense joyfulness, or a joyful intensity, about everything. I will always be grateful to have met her. Thank you dear Libby! And I hope to be with all of you on the 21st.
Julie Mardin
Posted by: Julie Mardin | August 06, 2011 at 01:15 PM