Freud was seen leaving the theater after a showing of Terence Malick's new movie "The Tree of Life." Our intrepid reporter caught up with the great man and what do you think happened?
(1) Freud introduced the reporter and his significant other to Jean Piaget, with whom he had witnessed the picture. He called it "a picture."
(2) Freud said the technique was impressive and that the content was at bottom the "same old same old" complex that afflicted Oedipus, though in this case the murderous impulse was repressed, with lingering emotions of rage and guilt.
(3) Freud smiled in possible agreement when his female companion said that "Brad Pitt was excellent but who needs Sean Penn?"
(4) Freud said the picture was the best depiction of evolution since 2001 (the movie, not the year)
(5) The bearded man in the three-piece suit with the chain of his pocketwatch stylishly in view, holding a lighted cigar between the index and middle finger of his rigth hand, denied being Freud despite being a dead ringer for him. "You're not the first person to make that mistake," he said.
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The correct answer is # 3
Posted by: Stephanie Brown | July 09, 2011 at 01:13 PM
Noah Burke
Posted by: Noah Burke | July 10, 2011 at 09:09 AM
No, no, it's got to be #5! It's the only one that makes sense. Freud's dead,
come on! Right? He's dead, right? Sigmund, I mean. I guess there are other Freuds
around. Is this a trick question?
Posted by: G B Pshaw | July 10, 2011 at 09:32 PM
actually, the answer is "none of the above"...freud was actually out front in the lobby of the theatre during the entire show hawking copies of his "On Coca"...i mean this was a hollywood showing right?
Posted by: bill | July 10, 2011 at 10:51 PM