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« This Just In . . . Bill Hayward at Apple/SoHo - August 8, 7:00 PM | Main | "Everyone I Knew In High School Is Dead" by Jules Cohen »

July 26, 2011


Love this...wish I had a toolbelt, too.

The fact that you were ineligible for the grant is just more proof of the injustice of denying gays the right to marry.
Congratulations on your nuptials. The top photo reminds me of this poem by May Swenson:

Four-Word Lines

Your eyes are just
like bees, and I
feel like a flower.
Their brown power makes
a breeze go over
my skin. When your
lashes ride down
and rise like brown bees'
legs, you pronged gaze
makes my eyes gauze.
I wish we wer
in some shade and
no swarm of other
eyes to know that
I'm a flower breathing
bare, laid open to
your bees' warm stare.
I'd let you wade
in me and seize
with your eager brown
bees' power a sweet
glistening at my core.

(from Half Sun, Half Sleep by May Swenson. Scribner, 1967)

Bitchin' good! And apt as an apiary is May Swenson's swinging poem. -- DL

After all your long
dreadful years
Of unflinching endurance
Of voracious clinging
by tooth skin
You've discovered the secret
Of keeping a veggie burger

Tuppence two fist
Nose gush
There's a good lad
Face meet warm mix asphalt
Drops egg yolk
Slathered on wounds for
recalcitrant fibromyalgia

She's married you say?
How many years now?
floggings beneath lashes
slits to make under gill skin
Lest the soul out of tortured repressed memory
Lets the soul sputter out

A whimper.
A wheeze?

If I could muster the wherewithal
To find it in my heart of hearts
To give leave for additional concern

That fibrotic granuloma
That parasitic plaque
Borne on ancient sutures

Poke at it with a finger!
Nudge it with a scalpel!
Stab it with a cudgel...

A long
drawn out

I ask Dave if you can die of boredom
He says he's trying
I tell him to let me know when it happens.

A slit here a slit there and then
tasteless oblivion
A slithering worm that comes out of the slit and
dials the number next to the bedside table
Shivering with
excess capacity for desperation

Next day
Inside gray cylinders
I ask Dave again

The pattern on the carpeting
Merges with the pattern on the walls
The sleepy signal noise
Merges with the fluorescent lighting
The hours here end and
quickly begin again

I am awake


I am asleep

I am the cat in the box

And I've

I am dead/not dead

Now if you're the poet you tell me
Am I lying?

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That Ship Has Sailed
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"Lively and affectionate" Publishers Weekly


I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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