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« Rain in Ithaca | Main | Low Key by Yu Xiang »

July 29, 2011


Great take on the current "The Trip." It was interesting to observe their reactions to the haute cuisine. Some of the dishes were clearly delicious but they didn't seem to know how to approach many of the others. Nobody, from the chefs to the line cooks to the waiters to the diners, seemed to be enjoying themselves. Maybe they should try taking a trip of the sort taken in the earlier film.

People don't generally know this, but I tripped out a few times with my buddy, Al Huxley, and began writing plays under a pseudonym, Samuel Beckett. Totally rocked my world, man. And the critics totally did a 180 on me, too! Speaking
of critics, man, I read a new book by Louis Menand, after he'd taken a few trips, too: THE DOORS OF MISCONCEPTION. Cool.

Cool indeed, although, pedant that I am, I thought it was Lois Menard who wrote "The Doors of Babylon," which turned out to be exactly identical with the text of the book you mention, unacknowledged, saved from plagiarism charges because of the threat of depth charges from harvard (which J. Edgar Hoover always lower-cased kn his memos to staff, associates, and Secretaries of State). But you know me, Al. I'm a sucker for that sort of stuff. As is the cocky sucker you mention, and I don't mean Sam or GBS.

You are correct, sir!

"I know what's eating you. You come from Green Point, you go back to Green Point. You don't work here no more." Pulls out a bill. "Here. A present from your Uncle John." "You've got a friend here and don't forget it." "Why should he forget it?" "Yeah. Thanks, Johnny."

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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