photo(c)Nathaniel Siegel This week we welcome R. Erica Doyle as our guest blogger. Erica's poetry and fiction have appeared in the Best American Poetry 2001, Our Caribbean, Gumbo, Callaloo, Ploughshares, Bum Rush the Page, Bloom, and from the Fishouse, .and elsewhere. She has received grants and awards from the Hurston/Wright Foundation and the Astraea Lesbian Writers Fund, and she was a New York Foundation for the Arts Poetry Fellow. Erica is also a fellow of Cave Canem: A Workshop and Retreat for Black Writers, and her manuscript, proxy, was a finalist for the Cave Cavem Poetry Prize, selected by Claudia Rankine. Excerpts from proxy were also published as a Belladonna* chapbook. She received her MFA in Poetry from the New School, and lives in New York City, where she works in the NYC public schools and facilitates Tongues Afire: A Creative Writing Workshop for queer women and trans and gender non-conforming people of color.
Welcome, Erica.
In other news . . .
This week, Amy McDaniel will begin posting periodically from Bangladesh, where she is teaching creative writing and literature at the Asian University for Women in Chittagong. Originally from Atlanta, Amy McDaniel is the author of the poetry chapbook, Selected Adultssons (Agnes Fox Press). Her poems, essays, and stories have appeared in The Agriculture Reader, h_ngm_n, RealPoetik, Tin House, Alimentum, Saveur, PANK, and elsewhere.
-- sdh