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« All of a Sudden All the World is Blonde [By Leah Umansky] | Main | Caroline Malone Guest Blogger January 22-28 »

January 21, 2012


Leah,interesting that you felt like the odd man out at SLC because you were younger. I feel that way because I seem to be in this sort of gap between the younger and older. I've met very few students that are very close to my age, but more importantly, very few who have much in common with me. Like you, I have other commitments that take me off campus when most social events and activities are taking place. Unlike you, I'm also a single parent, and although I've met a few other parent-students, none are single, and none have kids as old as my son (13). While I'm loving my time at SLc, and learning so much, I don't have a "community" there. Most of my writing community is online, and with a couple of people that I email regularly.

This was a great post, and a good reminder that we need to take care of ourselves as individual writers, and find our way *into* writing communities, or to *create* our own communities.

Hi Malea,
Thanks so much for reading and for commenting. I LOVED SLC and loved my classes and my teachers, I just always felt soured by not making friends. I felt like I missed out on the full-experience, but again, I graduated in around seven years ago. Yes, we definitely need to take care of ourselves as writers. Have a terrific semester at SLC and enjoy it. Some of my favorite poets are there: Kate Knapp Johnson, Victoria Redel, and of course, Marie Howe. Perhaps, we'll see one another at the Poetry Festival this Spring.

Thanks again,

I have found so many wonderful new friends through poetry workshops and you, my dear, are one of them. Hope to see you at your reading at Lolita Bar. Alyson

Thanks Alyson. You know, I'm so grateful for meeting you out at P-town! xx

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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