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« The ABCs...Alabama, Bizet, Carmen! (by Tynan Davis) | Main | Ennui Sucks (by Tynan Davis) »

March 12, 2012


What a delight! Thank you. Where's Sherman Alexie? He should be commenting on this. I believe he does have a hook shot. And with your rebounding skill...hmmm. You guys could take Obama and Eric Holder in 2-on-2.

A hook shot and bank shot are classic basketball. Maybe too like sonnets and iambic pentameter. Please tell Sherman I have NYC games for him any time he's on this coast. And let me know the poetry and basketball tools you think the most underused.

Motion in poetry.

Lineups (after Charles North)


shooting guard:Shelley
wing: Wordsworth
power forward: Blake
post: Coleridge
sixth man: Byron

point: Gwendolyn Brooks
shooting guard: Sylvia Plath
wing: Gertrude Stein
power forward: Elizabeth Bishop
post: Anna Ahkmatova
sixth man: Marianne Moore Sexton

point: Shakespeare
shooting guard: Dante
wing: Vergil
power forward: Homer
post: Milton
sixth man: Petrarch

point: Crane
shooting guard: Poe
wing: Melville
power forward: Dickinson
post: Whitman

At 5' 1" Keats would have been the Tyrone Curtis "Muggsy" Bogues of any Romantic League line-up. How about Charles Olson (6'7") playing center for the Black Mountain School with Robert Creeley at point guard? No poet shoots the long ball like a projectivist.

An eloquent, and stirring, essay for anyone, not just those of us who live and breathe roundball 24-7. As an assistant coach of a group of high school student-athletes, I realize that all too often we focus on the black and white...the classroom production, the wins and losses on the floor, leading an exemplary life in the community around us. Your essay made me sit, think and smile ... all while appreciating a different view of the game we love.

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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