This week we welcome back Rebecca Lindenberg as our guest blogger. Rebecca is the author of the poetry collection LOVE, AN INDEX (McSweeney's Poetry Series, 2012). Her poems, essays, and criticism appear in The Believer, POETRY, Iowa Review, Quarterly West, Smartish Pace, Mid-American Review, DIAGRAM, Conjunctions, 32 Poems, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Gulf Coast, and elsewhere. She's the grateful recipient of a 2012 MacDowell Arts Colony residency, a 2011 NEA grant, and a 2009-2010 Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center fellowship. She holds a Ph.D. in Literature and Creative Writing from the University of Utah. She lives and writes in northern Utah, where she enjoys a good game of Scrabble, a stiff rye Manhattan, and her growing menagerie of pets. See Rebecca's schedule of readings here.
Welcome, Rebecca.
-- sdh