Our enterprising friends over at the Poetry Society of New York are planning the second annual New York Poetry Festival (July 21-22), which is going to be bigger and better than last year's wildly succesful event. Stephanie and Nick have already lined up poetry faves Mark Strand, Thomas Sayers Ellis, Amber Tamblyn, Valzhyna Mort, Jennifer L. Knox, Jennifer Michael Hecht, Angelo Nikolopoulos, Christie Ann Reynolds,Amy Lawless, Anna Dunn, Peter Milne Greiner, \Fay Chiang, Tsaurah Litzky, Janet Hamill, Aimee Herman, and Nathan P., Gemineye, plus many others that space constraints keep me from including here.
Don't you want to be a part of it? You can by contributing as little as the cost of your morning Latte to the Society's Kickstarter campaign. Find out all of the details and how to make a contribution here. This is too good pass up.
-- sdh