I asked the man in the street, I mean my friend on the Street, about the fate of Greece and the Eurozone, and this is what I heard:
I don't know about Greece. None of the other countries really cares about Greece, many because their own problems are overwhelming, and in the long run I think Greece would be better off out of the Eurozone and, in fact, the whole EU (haven't The Iliad and The Odyssey been proof a long time that Greece is both the single force most responsible for Europe and not itself European?). But you also have to consider the run on banks that Greece's exit would probably — some would say surely — trigger and which the other Euro countries obviously don't want and are incapable of dealing with, financially or otherwise. So it looks like Greece either gets out on its own, defaulting on its debt, and begins the long road to recovery, or, through no fault of its own, really, but because no one wants the fantasy to evaporate, it takes out the whole Eurozone and possibly, eventually, the EU as well. Good riddance to bad rubbish: The United States of Europe has always seemed ridiculous to me. But, meanwhile, chaos either way.
What can I say / but oy vay? Meanwhile, if anyone knows anything about a Spanish language Monopoly-like board game about the IMF called" Eternal Debt," please let me know. -- DL
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Who is this highly literate stockbroker that is feeding you these nuanced opinions? I'm impressed. I thought everyone on the Street was a card-carrying Philistine but I was wrong. Homer, yet! Thank you. You hit a home run.
Posted by: Waldo Lydecker | May 31, 2012 at 08:32 PM
Very good I like but two questions: is "Eternal Debt" Spanish or Portuguese board game, also have you heard of game "Racism" with liquor stores and brothels instead of hotels and houses in Harlem. Thank you for your support also your advice re blue chips.
Posted by: W. Simpson | May 31, 2012 at 10:58 PM