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July 25, 2012


Interesting, candid post, JH; thank you for it. I too think STRONG IS YOUR HOLD to be one of Kinnell's best books, and "Shelley" an excellent pick from it. A question. Do you think GK has squared his own checkered (if rumor, gossip, and hearsay have any truth about them) reputation along these lines with Shelley's? Funny story told by a poet who was especially beautiful when young: she said no to GK on the first night of a conference they were attending, only to find him lurking in the hallway next morning "by chance," then offering the suggestion they go down to breakfast together. This happened the next two mornings, also; it was a while before she realized it was no accident, and the other conference attendees assumed they were sleeping together, much to GK's pleasure. Pursuit of radiant ego?

Thank you, JK--for that anecdote, too.

very cool. and funny loved this, John. have been reading all your summer blogs. maybe I love Sifnos more. all best! (one day I will tell you a story about solitude and Rilke, not now.)

John, great to hear your voice in this particularly familiar reminiscence. Have always been proud of your accomplishments (from a vicarious "I knew him when..." context) and somewhat envious of your dedication to writing. Thanks for the (admittedly) bittersweet time travel.

I had a brief relationship with Maud some years after you did. She was lovely. I think she was taking banjo lessons then.
I never met Galway, but I remember calling their apartment once.
(In a sonorous, theatrical voice) "Hello, this is Galway Kinnell." (Or something like that.)
"Uh, hi. Is Maud there?"
(In a very ordinary voice): "Hang on, I'll get her."

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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