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August 13, 2012


I had a postpartum hemorrhage, but that was before my MFA--I was 22. I astrally projected to the ceiling and waited it out, on a mountaintop of T'Ang Dynasty with Tu Fu. My grandmother had Rexroth's translations sitting around her living room, and so after reading those, I always thought poetry was high altitude. Childbirth is in that place, also, one doorway among several into categories of existence.

Ohhhhhhh...interesting choice of poet.... doesn't Tu Fu have some pretty great poems about DRINKING WINE?

Dino-mite post!

Thank you! AND I just read Madame X a few weeks ago. Everyone should buy Darcie's book RIGHT NOW.

Wonderful essay and well-timed advice about unlearning the PhD. Congratulations on your new baby, Charlotte!

Thanks Forrest :) Hope that you are doing well.

congradts on baby Charlotte! yea!

What a wonderful post Sandra!

I love this, Sandra. So glad you made it through, and that poetry and beautiful Charlotte were on the other side. Welcome, Charlotte!

P.S. Incidentally, one of my daughter's namesakes is Dante's Beatrice. :)

Congratulations on making it through...and on your baby! I couldn't agree with you more...experience, experience. TL

Thank you. xoxo

Gorgeous, scary, funny. Thank you. Also perhaps there may be a need to unlearn the PhD even while enrolled in the PhD?...or that could just be my mental/internal version of the postpartum hemorrhage talking. Best wishes for healthy mom, healthy baby.

Thank you, JSA Lowe. One of my professors, David Kirby, taught a class called the "unworkshop" which was really fun. We basically wrote ANYTHING that wasn't poetry (reviews, complied a personal anthology etc).

I like this, Sandra. I'm glad you passed, poetry and beautiful charlotte is on the other hand. Welcome, charlotte!

Note: by the way, one of my daughter's not the kui is a Dante beatrice. :)

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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