There was a young girl from Ohio,
Who contracted acute impetigo.
This staphylococcal outrageous debacle
Disturbed that young girl from Ohio.
There was an old man at the auction,
Who was sipping a homemade concoction.
It caused him to bid on a caryatid,
Which he carried about at the auction.
There was an old man from Seattle:
Four fifths of his life was a battle.
He argued and fought, but eventually thought,
“It is time to desist from the battle.”
There was an old person from Portland,
Who didn’t think it was important
To put on a belt, ’cuz he said that he felt
He would only be walking ’round Portland.
There was an old man from Madrid,
Of whom there was no getting rid.
If you ran in to hide, you would find him inside,
With a bug and a jar and a lid.
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These all are very nice, but #9 is laugh out loud funny.
Posted by: bipolar berra | July 04, 2013 at 12:31 AM