the flowers on the cactus
came and went like
a speed boat across the plate
glass you wake up and then you
fall asleep wink quick or is it
the reverse; everything so fast
you can’t remember when you last
saw the wallet for the war ration
coupons it smelt a little mouldy
the last time you found it unsure
of how to access its navy blue
emptiness a thought vanishes
into the air’s crevices you have to
rely on your fingers for good tips
a beachcomber’s manual will not
help, you knew how to reach for
the wall when the salt water stung
your eyes [maybe] the best thing
to do between the tick and the tock
is to hold your breath: the air’s veins
open like a patient map you won’t
need a good vocabulary
joanne burns
Ever inventive, bemused and laconic, since talking with joanne burns (1945-) sounds just like reading joanne burns, where then does the conversationalist stop and the poet start? Neither probably does. Since 1972 she has had around 15 poetry collections (including prose poems/micro-fictions) published. Recent books include an illustrated history of dairies Giramondo Publishing 2007, 'amphora' Giramondo Publishing 2011.