This week we welcome Molly Peacock as our guest author. Molly is a widely anthologized poet and biographer who is also the Series Editor of The Best Canadian Poetry in English. Her latest work of nonfiction is The Paper Garden: Mrs. Delany Begins Her Life’s Work at 72. Her most recent collection of poems is The Second Blush. Her work appears in The Best American Essays, the Best American Poetry, and the Oxford Book of American Poetry. One of the creators of New York's Poetry in Motion program, she co-edited Poetry In Motion: One Hundred Poems From the Subways and Buses. A dual citizen of the US and Canada, she now makes her home in Toronto with her husband, Michael Groden. Find out more about Molly here.
Welcome, Molly.
In other news . . .
David Lehman's New and Selected Poems (Scribner) now in bookstores. Read more about it here.
-- sdh