Stuck in Traffic
She meant it was good to yarn, no trauma
Now you get how you mistook
swotted totally at the braked drinks and slipped physics, you’re over
She’s bumping in for the show and doesn’t deign to risk
a charge or block, and her child ‘suffers absence’
Four churches sharpen the intersection
You know what? I cancelled, it wasn’t cogito precisely
but who could’ve, like I put it out there
my sessions and criteria all one-on-one a tray
across a bridge’s attempt at grace
while ads strew the transport’s view
into meshed ideograms of capitalism
I jibbed into a cube, shonky life blinking through a glass, a pick,
then hoiked what’s left of friends.
It’s of no purpose.
I don’t want to see him a radish or leek.
Chimes pester down what boredom spored
and goes, a meddler to the heath
You buy the lock for the door then the door for the lock
as cords corolla sealed ears that hyphen thought
to home in the electric fields
Gig Ryan
Gig Ryan (1956-) is the author of New and Selected Poems (Giramondo, 2011) winner of the 2012 Grace Leven Prize for Poetry and the 2012 Kenneth Slessor Prize for Poetry . She is Poetry Editor for the Melbourne newspaper The Age and a freelance reviewer. She has also written songs with her occasional bands Disband and Driving Past, releasing 2 CDs, Real Estate (1999) and Travel (2006).