Derridadaism [1]
Cela suffit!" [2]
Said the man
Named de Man. [3]
J. Hillis Miller:
J. Phyllis Diller. [4]
1. Geoffrey Hartman's term in Saving the Text. An alternative spelling, Derrida(da)ism, subversively reveals the Russian yes within the demotic term for father.
2. The Saussurean difference between Kant and cant is blurred, deferred, and reinscribed in a Derridean display of differance.
3. A neglected trope, the paradigmatic palindrome deconstructs itself into a reversed binary opposition that terminates in an undecidable aporia, as when a pedestrian gets stuck in a revolving door (de Man's image).
4. Miller on deconstruction: "It suggests the image of a child taking apart his father's watch, reducing it back to useless parts, beyond any reconstitution." Diller on phallogocentrism: "It recalls the printer's error that closed up the space between the second and third words of the sentence the pen is mightier than the sword."
-- David Lehman [Times Literary Supplement, 1990]