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July 07, 2014


Nice. Nice, as Ringo has always seemed to be. Nice, as a Beatles tune on a summer night. Nice.

Loved this, Charles. I see I'm behind in my reading.

Great piece, Charles. You are a performing musician, and you understand the importance of the pulse, the true organizer of all musical expression. The power of Ringo's downbeat put all the pieces together and held them fast. There is a version of Love Me Do that was the original single of that song with another drummer George Martin favored, a big time studio guy. The drumming is slick and lithe, but it is not a Beatle sound at all. The overwhelming sense of firmament on which all else rests and lives unanxiously is missing. The Ringo version tells it all. One breaths a sigh of relief; The Beatles have returned from whatever limbo they had been relegated to. I once told my Beatles idolater brother (a musical nada) the same description you gave: Ringo is a virtual perfect metronome, and that was the function he filled in giving the band it's sound. Steady, a perfect background of perfectly organized time, a flinging pulse that would launch each bar anew, a perfect road on which the band could smoothly navigate the musical journey. And that was all they needed. No fancy embelishments. The Beatles are classisists. They don't embellish. The music is direct and clear in its expressive intent. It is structured to move, both physically and emotionally. George Martin brought a strong classical aesthetic and sense of structure into the arranging of the songs, and his part in the "Liverpool" sound is essential. My brother was offended I would call Ringo a "metronome." He thought I was saying that Ringo was a mere hack, without soul or passion. He does not understand the function of the tool. The pulse is the foundation of all musical expression, just as the pulse of our heart is what moves us along in life. The simple point to make here is: No Ringo, no Beatles, and popular musical history would be the worse off for it.

I love Ringo and I love this post.

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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