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« Poetry from Aotearoa/New Zealand 10--Tom Weston's 'The Old Dog' | Main | A 21ST CENTURY RAIN: Interview with Brian Turner, Author of My Life as a Foreign Country [Kelle Groom] »

August 25, 2014


Oh yeah! That's the way poetry sings to me!

"...I never sold out, and even when I did
nobody bought."

Love this poem.


You told it straight & true!

Harry E. Northup

Life into art, and getting life out of art, while sticking it on the page is Michael Lally's specialty. Thank God no one was buying when he sold out. Think of what we'd be missing.

I liked this poem - before you were born.

When somebody asked me "what school of American poetry" Michael Lally was in, I had to tell them, "Lally? He never went to school. He just makes that shit up."

It's the lines about nailing shoes to a board that tells me, yep everything else here is true, too.

Crazy enough to do all this stuff and brilliant enough to inspire us with his descriptions

All these things, & more

how can we hear the version w/ miles' music?

and you still inspire me
after all these years

Thanks everyone for the overly kind words, and Eric, I'm pretty sure you can download it from iTunes on the LOST ANGELS CD.

Shakin' my head in awe.

~ Willy

Oh yes, it's the tender edge and edgy tenderness of your poems that gets me every time. Thank you for your poetic artistry.

It's wonderfully written and says what I feel in response to the
avant garde-- which has finally made it to New Orleans.
Congrats! Peter Cooley

Michael, December magazine just back in print after 30 years hiatus, new editor, Gianna Jacobsen, will love seeing this vintage poem and I remember all your work, And you. Tell me when you are in DC.

Terrific poem. Next there needs to be "Before I die."

Classic Lally. A poetic voice like no other. Good to see this poem poem here in the BAP universe.

Exquisite, as always.

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"Lively and affectionate" Publishers Weekly


I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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