This week we welcome Janet R. Kirchheimer as our guest author. Janet is the author of “How to Spot One of Us” (Clal 2007) and currently producing BE•HOLD, a cinematic poetry film. She received Honorable Mention in the String Poet Prize 2014, and was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2007. Her work has appeared in a wide range of journals and online including Atlanta Review, Potomac Review, Limestone, Connecticut Review, Kalliope, Common Ground Review and, and forthcoming in the anthology The Poet’s Quest for God. Janet teaches poetry, creative writing and memoir writing workshops in New York City, is a teaching fellow at Clal-The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership where she teaches a wide range of Jewish subjects using creative writing and poetry, and is on the faculty of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue.
Welcome, Janet.
-- sdh