The bow-tie is having more than a moment. Consider this: David and I recently visited Benjamin Peters mens' clothing store in Ithaca, New York. Where just a few years ago the bow-ties would have been relegated to a small corner of a display case, they now occupy a full rack in prime real-estate near the front of the store. Every day we spot fashionable young men sporting bow-ties. At the recent celebration of Mark Strand, David and John Guare compared notes on their preference for the bow-tie, and David came to its defence recently in the New York Times .
This, in my view, is a positive development along with the Mad Men inspired return to the fedora.
So get on board, little children, and dress like grown ups! If not knowing how to tie a bow-tie is the only thing holding you back, I'm here to help. These are instructions from The Art of Manliness, one of my favorite websites, introduced to me in 2009 by Sally Ashton:
Click over to the Art of Manliness website to watch the "How to Tie a Bow Tie" video.
You will have to practice but mastering the bow-tie is worthwhile. Soon you will be as expert as Paul F. Tompkins. Richard Sherman breaks it down here:
The BOW-TIE. An indispensable guide. Thank you. My grandsons are 16 and now I know what to get them when the skate boards are put away!
Posted by: Grace Cavalieri | November 03, 2014 at 04:45 PM
Luckily the week before I was set to travel halfway across the country to the big annual convention, I found the perfect traveling tie storage.
Posted by: aristocrathomewares | June 23, 2015 at 08:46 PM