KGB Monday Night Poetry is pleased to present...
Carol Muske-Dukes & Howard Altmann
Monday, February 23rd, 2015
Hosted by John Deming and Matthew Yeager
Series founded in 1997 by David Lehman and Star Black
Doors open at 7:00 pm
Reading starts at 7:30pm
Admission is FREE
85 East 4th Street * New York, NY
Carol Muske-Dukes is the author of 8 books of poetry, 4 novels and 2 collections of essays & has co-edited anthologies. (Her most recent book of poems is TWIN CITIES, from Penguin, her book SPARROW was a National Book Award finalist.) She is professor of English/Creative Writing at the Univ. of Southern California and is former Poet Laureate of California. She is bi-coastal (many years in NYC) and has written for the NYTimes, LA Times & the Huffington Post. Awards include NEA, Guggenheim, Castognola Prize from poetry soc. of america, Barnes & Noble Writer for Writers award, Pushcarts, etc. Published & anthologize widely, inc. Best American Poetry, New Yorker, Paris Review, cover of APR, Kenyon Review, etc. - many anthologies. She also co-edited "Crossing State Lines: an American Renga" with Bob Holman - from FSG.
Howard Altmann is the author of two books of poetry, "Who Collects the Days," (Mosaic Press, 2005) and "In This House," (Turtle Point Press, 2010). His poems have appeared in Boulevard, Poetry, Slate, The Yale Review and elsewhere, and are forthcoming in the anthology, "New Writings of the Americas: From Patagonia to Nunavut (Texas Tech University Press, 2015). A Montreal native, he holds degrees from McGill and Stanford and lives in New York City.
Upcoming, Spring 2015
Mar 23 Dark
Mar 30 Michael Morse + Sarah Rose Nordgren
Apr 13 3rd Annual Post-AWP Open Mic Competition
Apr 20 Kathleen Ossip + Spencer Short

About the Series:
Labeled New York's best poetry series by such publications as New York Magazine and Time Out New York, the KGB Bar Monday Night Poetry Reading Series has hosted over 550 poets in more than 300 readings since it was founded in 1997 by Star Black and David Lehman; it focuses on combining established writers with the most exciting young and upcoming poets. The list of past readers includes legendary American and international poets: John Ashbery, Robert Bly, Anne Carson, Billy Collins, Richard Howard, Fannie Howe, Yusef Komunyakaa, Philip Levine, Sharon Olds, Molly Peacock, Marie Ponsot, Tomaz Salamun, Charles Simic, Mark Strand, James Tate, Anne Waldman and Charles Wright. Currently, the series is curated and hosted by poets John Deming and Matthew Yeager.
About the Venue:
A former single-room speakeasy (one of Lucky Luciano's favorites) KGB Bar was transformed into a Ukrainian socialist social club in 1948. To this day, the bar retains original decoration from its former incarnations, including a red hammer-and-sickle flag hanging from the tin ceiling, plus stained-glass Beaux Arts cabinetry, red walls, Soviet triumph posters, photographs, paintings, and sculptures. KGBBar is located at 85 East 4th Street in New York's East Village (between Bowery and 2nd Avenue). Readings begin at 7:30 PM. There will be one ten-minute intermission. No cover charge for admission. All readings open to the public. Though it is smoke-free, the massive pervasive cigarette cloud that existed as little as twelve years ago (and contributed much to the venue's conspiratorial air) is still easily imagined.