For this post, we're searching water.
"Pool" by Sabrina Orah Mark from issue #23
Make a splash, says Brother. Set an example for all the merry children lining up behind you, says Brother.
I turn around. These children do not look merry. They look very unmerry.
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LYRIC by Kathleen Ossip from issue #26
I came from salt water in August I swim in salt water
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Brain in a Vat by C.S. Ward from issue #22
C.S. Ward reads "Brain in a Vat"
I heard that the Bermuda triangle has been
hovering in Buffalo for the past 20 years,
says the twilight man beside me
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INTERVIEW with Brenda Shaughnessy from issue #8
A fathometer measures the depth of the water by sound: it throws a sound down to the ocean floor and measures depth by how long the echo takes to come back up.
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