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« Notes On Confession (Part Two) by Sandra Simonds | Main | Harwood Named Poet Laureate of the Farmers Markets in NYC! »

June 24, 2015


Love this. I'll be our squad. xx

lol advice to POC, queers, and poor folks from a middle class white opportunist.

"Let me tell you a story. I have been living in Tallahassee for a decade because I went to PhD school here at Florida State University and I cannot tell you the number of students who go through the PhD program spending their entire five years sucking up to creative writing professors they think are going to get them book deals. This is a terrible method, my friends, and a waste of your time! From what I have observed, some students did get book deals from the connections that these professors had but the students who did were….wait for it….white males!"

Yes, that is a story. I don't know of any FSU grad, white male or not, who got a book deal because of sucking up to professors. I think most of us got our book deals by persistently sending work to contests (poetry) or agents (fiction). Here's a partial list of non white male FSU grads to publish books during the decade that Ms. Simonds spent in Talahassee: Pamela Ball, Carrie Bennett, Brigitee Byrd, Cara Candito, Susanna Childress, Kimberly Elkins, Deborah Hall, Rebecca Hazelton, Rebecca Lehmann, Terra McVoy, Sara Pennington, Jennifer Perrine, Chelsea Rathburn, Rita Mae Reese, Mary Jane Ryals, Heather Sellers, Sandra Simonds, and Samantha Thornhill.

But I guess having a politics, for Sandra, means signing on to a fashionable oppressors versus victims oversimplification and ignoring those pesky facts when they get in the way of the narrative.

"all my friends are social activists and the min communist at the max and i assure you they will show up for me so i'd back way off with your bs"

Wow, you don't get it. POC and the poor don't need the dreams and fantasies of privileged white female professors either. You're no radical, just an impostor.

I looked at Ms. Simonds Facebook page most of her pictures are of vacations, writers conferences and readings in cities. Poor people don't get to travel. Poor people rarely get any time off.

I'm curious. What does she mean by "poor" exactly?

Poor people can't afford to spend 900 dollars on air conditioner. Many poor people can't afford to have a car in the first place. I am shaking my head after reading this tweet by Ms. Simonds:

Sandman Sandman ‏@SandmanSimonds Jun 23
i spent $900 to repair my car air-conditioning and seriously it was only like 80 degrees today wtf!

Love you, Sina.

Shouldn't you be on Reddit?

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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