Mitch the sad old poet stared into the
void. He had read in Genesis 2:18
that "it was not good for the man to be
alone" but the man was alone. What
then was the use of it all?
He thought of Billie Jean King. An
accomplished woman but neither
she nor any of her ilk held the slightest
interest for Mitch. None -- and he was
sure the feeling was mutual.

Then Rachel suddenly appeared. She
was a real shot in the arm.
Here's a picture of a jackass with a hot young
woman. The jackass is "on cloud nine."
Here's a picture of Mitch and Rachel.
Rachel had done some drawings over the years.
Many of them were sexual in a peculiar way.

Two of Mitch's favorite exclamations were "fuckbirds"
and "fuck a duck." Rachel adapted these as a drawing
of ducks having sexual intercourse.
Rachel started doing drawings of Mitch with a penis
for his nose.
When Mitch was watching the world cup soccer
game Rachel did a drawing that continued the
nose/penis idea. Mitch was rooting for Paraguay
which she misspelled in the drawing.
Rachel had a fondness for word play. In another nose/penis
drawing she referred to post-nasal dick.

Fascinated and energized by Rachel, Mitch started
a sort of beatnik biker look. He told Rachel they
might have to live under a bridge and without batting
an eyelash she said, "Let's live under a bridge then."
Mitch showed Rachel a picture of a rabbi with a
possum which she found very inspiring.
Possums started appearing in the drawings as a
sexual symbol. Also Jewish stuff,
The possum became a regular character in drawings
whose meaning could be obscure.
But nothing lasts forever:
"Let be be finale of seem.
The only emperor is the emperor of ice-cream."

Ha, ha hee, full well is me,
For I am now at liberty.
-- Sir Thomas Wyatt, the elder