August 21, 2017
The Grand Eclipse
I have it in my calendar
The next time it comes around
I’ll be dead, or at least I hope so
But no Totality here
In San Francisco
Only the Path of Partiality
And I’m not at all impartial
When total or even partial darkness
Blots out fear
Or does it erupt with fear?
Will there be mobs screaming in the streets
Nazis on the loose
Like some old movie?
Teenagers running out of the movie house
Ahead of The Blob?
In fact I plan on watching that movie
Or digging into a book
While everyone else slips on their glasses
To take a look
At the Cosmic Clock
Ticking to a stop
I have no need to witness
The Solar System as it makes its rounds
I have seen it circle in my Heart
I have felt it revolve around my Soul
As Suns and Moons orbit
Marking all of Time
Should I forfeit Eternal Life?
Or should I savor Partial Life?
I’ll look inward
When the Sun gets to blot
Or I’ll watch the flowers in my yard
As they tilt upwards
Towards the Dark
-- Hilton Obenzinger.
Note that Gertrude Stein liked sitting with her back to a beautiful landscape. -- DL