This week we're pleased to welcome Kathleen Heil and Rodney Wilhite as our guest contributors.
Kathleen Heil is a writer, translator, and dancer. Her poems, stories, essays,and translations appear or are forthcoming in the New Yorker, Fence, Beloit Poetry Journal,Five Points, Two Lines, Barrow Street, Make, Threepenny Review, and many other publications. A recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Sturgis Foundation, among others, she lives in Berlin. More at
Rodney Wilhite is a poet living in Fayetteville, Arkansas. His poems have appeared in Cream City Review, The Coil, Pleiades, Fourteen HIlls: The SFSU Review, Puritan, and elsewhere. He sometimes posts mixtapes here.
Welcome Kathleen and Rodney.