"We're calling it Instant Shave, a transformative product
on the model of Instant Coffee, and it's your job
to create the damn thing. I don't care how you do it
but do it." The head of marketing looked with faint distaste
at us in our white laboratory jackets
"Even better if the gel or foam
is edible and tastes like whipped cream.
But the most important thing we gotta do is reduce
the time of the shaving experience
to an even one minute. (We could call it Minute Shave
on the model of Minute Maid, which used to be a name
to conjure with back when the fashion
in orange juice was frozen cans of concentrate
and mixing the contents with tap water. Scratch
that thought. Instant Shave is a better name.)
It is my sincere belief that Instant Shave
could take shaving to a whole new level."
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Thanks for your nice story about shaver. I love this and really want to share...
Posted by: Shaver | May 10, 2019 at 11:30 PM
Really good. It is great to apply for everything.
Posted by: Foil Shaver | May 10, 2019 at 11:31 PM