The old Verdi is the new Joe Green,
you know what I mean? The known
universe is a known unknown.
So it’s decided. The computers turned us on.
The new Nixon and the old Nixon are one.
The new Terence Winch is the new thirty.
Clean is the new dirty. Birds are the old
proverbs. Nouns are the former verbs.
New is the no yes, old fact, best guess.
Now is the new then. Then is the new never.
“O Sole Mio” is “It’s Now or Never,”
is my only sunshine, and “There’s No Tomorrow.”
Joy was once sorrow. The Old Testament was once
the new wave. English is the new French.
The Known Universe is the new Terence Winch.
-- David Lehman
Thank you, my friend. Very cool. I just got the book a few hours ago, so I am amazed at your speed!
Posted by: Terence Winch | February 15, 2018 at 10:53 PM
haven't read the new Winch book in print yet but know the Winch poem this is based on and once again genius converges in, and emerges out of, a poetic friendship to entertain and enlighten us all...
Posted by: lally | February 17, 2018 at 11:24 AM
I love the graceful dance between the various levels of the language. Constantly opening doors to a new way. Wonderful.
Posted by: Susan Campbell | February 26, 2018 at 03:58 PM