What was Cliff Robertson's most memorable role?
as JFK in "PT 109"
as the Nixon-like Cantwell in "The Best Man"
as the guy who loses Kim Novak to William Holden in "Picnic"
as the fellow who falls in love with the same woman twice in "Obsession"
as the mentally-impaired bigamist whose wives are Joan Crawford and Vera Miles in "Autumn Leaves"
For extra credit, (1) Would you have voted for Henry Fonda or his opponent in "The Best Man"? (2) Who wrote the American lyrics for "Autumn Leaves"? (3) Compare Genevieve Bujold, New Orleans and Florence in "Obsession" with Kim Novak and San Francisco in "Vertigo."
The winner's photograph will be posted on this site next week.
As the great Kahuna in Gidget.
Posted by: Jennifer L. Knox | March 24, 2018 at 02:44 PM
Never saw it, though I have a friend whose given name was "Gidget."
Posted by: The Best American Poetry | March 25, 2018 at 02:05 PM