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« Philip Roth says the Bull Still Has Room to Run [by David Lehman] | Main | Peggy Lee (born today) sings, Benny Goodman plays (1943) »

May 25, 2018


Honesty plus beauty equals honesty minus truth, a zero sum company, which is why "I love you" plus lipstick and slutty eye-liner-makeup "equals" a restatement of romance, and shows a gain of 30% in earnings over same-store sales in the previous quarter, n'est-ce pas?

Perhaps you give too much credence to summer.

Mr. Bonhomme de neige really said it all,
"Je Chaude!" and when you're the hottest et mal
you're never zero. N'est-ce pas?

"Slutty eye-liner" is really the key. I once read a book about a woman who was hired by the CIA to seduce a Russian diplomat. She did it -- and she had wisdom to share! With educated, sophisticated men (or what passes for such in our benighted age!) the best look is "class with a touch of wicked sleaze." Yes!

And for some reason Nabokov comes to mind. In Lolita he -- or his protagonist! -- of course expresses disdain for what he calls "college girls." Over the hill, right? But the worst is "handsome women." Hm. I can't really think of any handsome women right now. Maybe it's too early in the morning...

Oui, c'est ca. Tu as raison comme toujours ma chere Molly qui sait la verite. Separates are equal and no buts sauf que les fesses (which is a verb as well as a noun) and the heat will rise in the lazy hazy crazy days of summer. -- DL

All I know is there is no worse torture than buying a swimsuit. Not even root canal. Not even chemo. Nothing. And it doesn't matter how big or small you are - it was just as excruciating when I was a size 7 as it is now, when I'm...well, not a size 7.

And I need a new one this year. Oy vey.

Laura, Maybe it will help if we wear "slutty eyeliner" in the dressing room and to the pool. I've been buying the same swimsuit for years - a Speedo racer back. I don't even try it on but every few years I just go up a size.

Get to a state of complete unknowing. Don't avoid. Don't be devoid.

Stacey, I'm afraid this might mean the complete rejection of "the racer back". You need to approach the process as POET. You might be surprised to find yourself in separates.

Harrowing, yes, Laura, but worth it once you're in the water.

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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