They called him the old grumpus wumpus
But why? Why? Can you please explain that
To me? Would you be so kind? Did I miss
Something? I must have missed something
Because for the life of me I can’t understand
Why they called him the old grumpus wumpus.
What got into them? What purpose could it
Possibly serve? Is there some ulterior motive?
Could you please take a moment out of your
Busy schedule to enlighten me about this?
Doesn’t it seem awfully mysterious to you?
Everything was fine and then a minute later
They called him the old gumpus wumpus.
Oh, for Christ’s sake! Jesus Christ almighty!
The key
to the great mystery:
he made a lot
of enemies by saying
something, can't remember what,
but the mules were braying,
and Naipaul
had a wry fall.
But hey:
would A. M. Fogel say?
Posted by: The Best American Poetry | August 13, 2018 at 10:55 PM