Psychoanalysis, like all pagan scientia, says: "Come, my good man, no wonder you feel guilty. You have a distorting mirror, and that is indeed a very wicked thing to have. But cheer up, For a trifling consideration I shall be delighted to straighten it out for you. There. Look. A perfect image. The evil of distortion is exorcised. Now you have nothing to repent of any longer. Now you are one of the illumined and elect. That will be ten thousand dollars, please."
And immediately come seven devils, and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
-- W. H. Auden, "Lecture Notes" (1942)
Note: Multiply the bill by fourteen for 2018 dollars. The devil count remains the same. -- DL
Who's OUR Auden? A lot of Odd'ns out there but no Auden?
Posted by: Hoosier Daddy | September 29, 2018 at 05:20 AM