Poets & Artists 100 is here.
Click here and you'll arrive at a Didi Menendez's groundbreaking magazine devoted to "figurative realism" in art -- with poetry tossed in by such stalwarts as Nin Andrews, Grace Cavalieri, and Denise Duhamel.
Figurative realism is a good name for a movement in favor of representational art with the human figure at its center. The revival of the nude as an aesthetic ideal is significant. It is especially impressive in a puritanical era and may be a harbinger of welcome changes to come. The black and white painting on the left is by Dirk Dzimirsky, who curated the "Figurative Art" show up now.
The current issue of Poets & Artists includes gorgeous, sensuous paintings by such new (to me) artists as Anne-Christine Roda, Aixa Oliyeras, Veronica Winters, Megan Read, Nadine Robbins, Conne Karlera-Sales, Daniel Maidman, Victoria Selbach, Miriam Escofet (Portrait of Sophia, on right). It's an exciting development, a cry for beauty against brutality.
-- DL
Thanks David for pointng the spotlight on one of America's leading Proponent of figurative art, Didi Menendez. She's worked selflessly and without remuneration to promote these outstanding artists.I love her.
Posted by: Grace Cavalieri | December 15, 2018 at 01:08 PM